Sex Pill Investigation Learn What Works & What Doesn't!
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Lab Reports Don't Lie

Lab Report Product List

  • Roman Sparks 43%
  • Roman Sparks 58%
  • Hims
  • Friday Plans
  • Red Box
  • ZipHealth
  • RexMD
  • Roman Sildenafil

Roman Sparks (43%)

Roman Sparks (43%)

It's so dangerous! This is why the FDA has rules. But these outlaws don't care - the are just trying to grab as much cash as they can before the FEDS shut them down.

This test shows they have over 43% more ingredients than they say. That is SUPER dangerous - it could kill you. But what would you expect from this crew that lies and deceives men all day long. And look at the second "Sparks" lab test result below.

Another disgrace!

Roman Sparks (58%)

Roman Sparks (58%)

This time the ingredients are almost 58% below that they claim. That would be like buying a dozen eggs at the store and then getting home and finding only 5 eggs inside - not 12. Most would call this good old fashioned consumer fraud - a scam - but it is MUCH, MUCH worse than that. It shows they don't know what they are doing.

They are putting mens lives in jeopardy buy having Nick "The Jackal" mixing up pills in little bags - without FDA approval - without rigid testing - it's a total FRAUD as these lab test show.

Stay the F away from these crazy dangerous Sparks pills.



It seems everything about hims is a fraud. Nothing more than a slickly packaged massive scam. But now scientists are RINGING THE ALARM BELLS after seeing lab tests results like the one here. It shows that this company should be shut down. Mens lives are literally in danger because of the dangerous and illegal practices of HIMS.

The HIMS sleazy little compounding factory in Gilbert, Arizona mass produces illegal pills virtually around the clock 7 days a week. Now we have more evidence that the FDA needs to shut this place down ASAP before innocent men die. The pill test shows it is 56% above the label claim!! That is outrageous and so dangerous.

Medical professionals are pleaded with authorities to shut this place down and they are WARNING MEN like you to avoid this illegal and dangerous pills at all costs!

Friday Plans

Friday Plans

These garbage pills are so bad they are BANNED in many countries. Even little Vietnam won't let one of these pills to be sold in their country - that's how bad they are.

The place is one big scam - and now lab tests show the pills are a joke. They are made in India, is a sleazy little factory. They break apart in under 10 seconds, which make these already weak pills - virtually worthless!

The lab test confirms what medical experts and industry insiders have been saying ... they pills are terrible. Just look at the lab test score. It's pathetic. 43% BELOW what they claim. A 50 mg pill that only has 21 mg in it - pure consumer fraud. And remember ... the nice thing about lab tests is ... LAB TESTS DON'T LIE!

These crooks might lie like crazy in their ads, and may have deceived millions of men ... but lab tests don't lie - so hopefully you won't become the next victim of the Friday Plans scam.

Red Box

Red Box

This little known company could send you to an early grave with pills like this. This shows a pill that is supposed to contain 100 mg of Sildenafil - which is the strongest dose that is allowed to be sold legally, because of safety reasons.

This test score shows it contains a WHOPPING 143 mg. "That could kill a 200 pound man" said one prominent urologist.

Needless to stay - avoid this dangerous garbage. It's another dangerous pill made in India.



The con artists at ZipHealth try and cheat you every way they can. They lie in their ads. Pretend they sell real Viagra when they know they don't. They also own RocketRX so they can try and game the advertising at Google. They are known in the industry as the kings of the bait and switch.

But now - this lab test shows their India made pills are also cheating men. Not much of a surprise. Sleazy from top to bottom. This 100 mg pill only has 67 mg of Sildenafil in the pill. They are cheating you by over 30%. Total Con Men.



What would you expect from pill made in India for pennies. RexMD pays acotrs to pretend to be real customers - they lie to you BIG TIME - they pretend they have REAL Viagra and they even claim to have the REAL Authorized Generic Viagra - but i's all Bullshit.

So when the lab test showed their 50 mg Sildenafil pill - (a pill made by Hetereo Pharma - known as the "Bernie Madoff of pill factories" in some circles) - came back with a score that was almost 30% off what they claim - it surprised none of the industry insiders. They have known for years now that RedMD is a shady place with cheap pills from India that they try and pass off as the greatest in the world. Horrible lab score!

Roman Sildenafil

Roman Sildenafil

What do you know - another SCAM from Roman. The list of scams from this crew of creeps selling slickly packaged lies is staggering. Did you know their premature ejaculation "swipes" are nothing more than the EXACT same ingredient found in Baby Orajel? It's just a re-packaging of a failed product called Pre-Boost that was the laughing stock of the supplement industry. A total FRAUD. But Roman makes is sound a legitimate as an FDA pharmaceutical drug.

Their lies and deception are staggering! And this lab test once again shows that. Here their 50 mg Sildenafil - made in the same sleazy factory in India as RedMD's pills, and where Hims has also purchased pills. It missed the mark by 24%. As horrible as this lab test score is ... it might have been the best score they got on ANY of their pills. Just more tricks and lies from this Fraud Factory.

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